
Friday, January 31, 2014

The Walking Dead 67

Cómic The Walking Dead 73

Cómic The Walking Dead # 73

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Open publication - Free publishing - More dead

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Tintin movie posters unveiled!

Just in today at ImpAwards: the first official posters for the Peter Jackson/ Steven Spielberg production of The Adventures of Tintin: The secret of the Unicorn. Its their first in a series of digitally animated Tintin movies, beginning with Hergés eleventh comic book, Le Secret de la Licorne (which in my opinion is the strongest story), originally published from June 1, 1942 to June 14, 1943 in the Belgian newspaper Le Soir.

The script for the movie is actually based on three Tintin comics: The Crab with the Golden Claws, The Secret of the Unicorn and its sequel Red Rackhams Treasure (see above). British scribe Anthony Horowitz has confirmed hell be drafting a script for the sequel, based on Prisoners of the sun, Hergé s 14th comic book.

The movie is slated for a December 23th release in the USA, so just in time to snuggle up with some corn at your local cinema during the Christmas holidays. The European release is set to take place in October / November, so much earlier! Tintin is played by Jamie Bell, known from Jacksons previous movie King Kong (2005). Cast to play Captain Haddock is Andy Serkis, also known from Jacksons previous movies. He played Gollum in the three Lord of the Rings movies.
Daniel Craig plays Red Rackham, the pirate that battles sir Francis Haddock, Captain Haddocks ancestor. Shooting happened in 32 days, in January - March 2009, with six weeks additional motion capturing in July. The rest of the time Jackson used to create all the digital animations with his company Weta Digital.

Cómic The Walking Dead 56

Cómic The Walking Dead # 56

Aquí esta On-Line el Cómic N° 56 de The Walking Dead en Español sin Descargas ni Registros."

Open publication - Free publishing - More dead

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Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Walking Dead 99

The Walking Dead 30

ANNCast talking with FUNimation

Zac Bertschy and Justin Sevakis of the ANNCast crew (Animation News Network) just uploaded their latest podcast interviewing Adam Sheehan and Lance Heiskell, marketing manager and Director of Corporate Strategy at FUNimation, one of the biggest importers of Anime in the US.

In the hour and half long interview, Adam and Lance talk about Toei Animations bestselling Dragon Ball Z, the long wait for the second season of Tensai Okamuras Darker than Black and the the much anticipated HD releases of Hellsing Ultimate and Ryutaro Nakamuras newly restored Serial Experiments Lain. If you want to know everything FUNimation is up to and stay on track with their plans for the new year, make sure to check that stuff out.
Funimation Entertainment was founded in 1994 by Gen Fukunaga whos uncle, being one of the producers of Dragon Ball, was looking for a way to distribute the anime series in the US.

Small girls with big guns: Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom, the  Complete Collection is one of the high def releases planned by FUNimation for January 2012. This Anime series created by Koichi Mashimos Beetrain is based on the Phantom of Inferno PC game developed by Nitroplus and is currently being ported to the Xbox 360 with new and improved graphics. Also scheduled for a US release next year Februari, .Hack/Quantum (pronounced dot-Hack Quantum) is the latest installment of the popular Japanese franchise. This three part OVA (direct-to-video) anime series, based on the Playstation video games series developed by CyberConnect2 is the first in the series animated by Kinema Citrus instead of Beetrain, who created the five earlier series between 2002 and 2006.

In the .Hack anime series the characters live inside a virtual role playing game world. The first animated series .Hack//SIGN was created by character designer Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (known for his work on Evangelion) and Kazunori Ito (writer of Ghost in the Shell). A 3D CGI animated movie titled .Hack//the movie has been produced by CyberConnect2 and is slated for theatrical release on January 21, 2012 throughout Japan.

Above: A typical days work at Tokyo based CyberConnect2, who beside working on a beautifully animated CGI movie, also delivered stunning work on their soon to be released action packed game Asuras Wrath which is developed for both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 using Epic Games Unreal Engine 3 and is scheduled for release in februari 2012 (trailers for both collected below).

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Cómic The Walking Dead 39

Cómic The Walking Dead # 39

Aquí esta On-Line el Cómic N° 39 de The Walking Dead en Español sin Descargas ni Registros."

Open publication - Free publishing - More dead

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Suske Wiske 314 studio leaks cover art

suske en wiske 314: Het Lijdende Leiden

While the official release date for the upcoming volume in the popular Belgium comic series ‘Suske & Wiske’ (called ‘De Kwakende Queen’, no. 313) has been set for June 22 by publisher Standaard, the authors, Studio Vandersteen,  have already leaked some of the artwork for their next album, ‘Het Lijdende Leiden’ (314), which is currently published in Belgium newspaper ‘De Standaard’ (starting May 13).

Suske en Wiske 314: Het Lijdende Leiden sketch cover

‘Het Lijdende Leiden’ has the main characters transported through time to the city of Leiden in 1574. While they’ve lost all recollection of who they are, they assume new identities and get caught in a war between the Spanish conquistadors and the Dutch resistance, torn between aiding the city’s defends and supporting the attacking Spanish legion, just like it happened back then for real. The story concentrates on the history of Magdalena Moons (1541-1613), daughter of prominent figure judge Pieter Moons, who was part of the Dutch resistance, and commander of the Spanish army Francisco Valdez. While the town was starving and Valdez attacked the city, Moons offered to marry Valdez if he would stop, buying time for reinforcements to arrive and break the siege. Left below: Magdalena and Alvarez as depicted by Dutch painter Simon Opzoomer (1819-1878), National Museum Amsterdam (click to enlarge).

Suske en Wiske 314: Het Lijdende Leiden - Magdalena Moons and Francisco Valdez by Simon OpzoomerLeiden is one of the oldest Dutch cities and is known for it’s prominent University throughout history. Founded in 1575, it is the place where John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the USA studied, as well as famous philosopher Descartes and Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens, who discovered Saturn´s moon Titan in 1655. Albert Einstein was professor of theoretical physics there.
It’s amazing to see that after hundreds of great stories, the creative team at Studio Vandersteen still seems to find inspiration for new adventure, finding inspiration in local history only makes for a more interesting read, and promises some nice jokes (and they deserve it! The Spanish not only invaded our country back then, they also stole the World Championship football last year right from under our feet in the final match, Grr!)

Willy Vandersteen (photo below), creator of the popular Belgian comic, created his first Suske & Wiske comic in 1945.It is published in the US as Willy and Wanda and was known in England as Bob and Bobette, (same as in France). Today, its no known in the UK as Spike and Suzy. Paul Geerts joined the studio in 1968 and continued his work under his supervision.

When Vandersteen passed away in 1990, he left the comic to his employees. After Geerts, his assistant Marc Verhaegen continued the work in april 2002. He had worked with the studio since 1988 and created 32 comic books until February 2005, when the studio thought his stories became too dark (Verhaegen had written a story about Auschwitz) and he was let go immediately. Today, the main artwork is created by Luc Morjeau with scripts by Peter van Gucht and help from other talented artists like Dirk Stallaert (also artwork), Isabelle van Laerhoven and Sabine de Meyer (coloring), Peter Quirijnen (backgrounds) and Eric de Rop (inks).

Willy Vandersteen creator of Suske en Wiske

Beside ‘Suske & Wiske’, Vandersteen created several other successful comic series.‘De Rode Ridder’ (‘The Red Knight’) is a comic set in medieval times. 229 Issues have been published since 1959 (issue 230 entitled ‘De Amazones’ will be on sale June 22).

Vandersteen created De Rode Ridder based on the books by Leopold Vermeiren with artist Karel Biddeloo (who continued the series on his own from issue 44). After he passed away June 2004, Claus Scholtz took over, who had been working for the Vandersteen studio since the mid-eighties on Bessy and Karl May. Scripts for the series are since written by Dutch comic author Martin Lodewijk. Vandersteens other series Bessy, a western featuring a Collie dog (made with Karel Verschuere), had 992 titles published in Germany. In all, he had over 25 series, selling more than 200 millon copies world wide! Recently Suske & Wiske have also become available in digital form, so you can read it on your Ipad 2!

De Rode Ridder 230 and Bessy 25 by the Vandersteen studio
Above left: Rode Ridder 230 will be released in June. Right: Belgium Comicshop and small press publisher Adhemar recently released an exclusive limited and numbered series of 25 new Bessy titles.

Het Lijdende Leiden will be for sale in September this year, a special collectors edition will be available in cooperation with the October 3rd organization, a special organization founded in 1886 celebrating the end of the Siege of Leiden which happened on October 3, 1574. (during the Eighty Years War 1568-1648). The organization currently has 14.000 members and celebrates its 125th anniversary this year.
Check below for some more original artwork (pages six and twelve) from the forthcoming Het Lijdende Leiden (thanks to Studio Vandersteen).

Suske en Wiske 314 Het Lijdende Leiden sketch

Suske en Wiske 314 Het Lijdende Leiden Sketch page 12

Paul Murrys gags

Several gags by Paul Murry, who worked as an inbetweener and animator for Disney on Pinocchio, Fantasia and Dumbo. While at Disney, he also created newspaper comic strips featuring Mickey Mouse and characters from Saludos Amigos (Joe Carioca and Panchito) and did strips for Uncle Remus featuring Brer Rabbit. From 1946 to 1984 he worked for Western Publishing, creating hundreds of comics, mainly Mickey Mouse stories.

But Murry also created gags for several other magazines, among them he worked for Humorama, a division of Martin Goodmans publishing firm (Goodman founded Timely Comics, which turned into Marvel Comics in 1961). Humoramas magazines published pin up cartoons and a whole lot of naughty photos of Betty Page and many other strippers/actresses in the 1950s and 1960s!

Here is another gag from Murry for Humorama, with the preliminary version below:

Some more quick gags, a little rougher, preliminary versions with pencil only. To identify his drawings (which he send to publishers), all gags cary visibly notable his peronal address at the time, on the reverse side (top left). 

Flipped horizontally, adding more contrast and changing the exposure, clearly shows Mr. Murry lived on 1300 S. (South) Orange Street in Glendale, California during his time at the Disney Studios: this location. 

The spicy drawings show a different address for Mr. Murry, 760 W. Avenue H-7, Lancaster California, which is this location today. These houses were build in 1957, which is exactly the time period Goodmans company published their line of Humorama magazines. 

Free Comic Book Day 2011 Get your comics for Free!

Okay, so you walk into a book store, and you get all these comics for free... who wouldnt want that? Organised since August 2001, the Comic book industry in the US have held this one day each year, where kids (and fans) can go crazy and get selected titles from all the mayor publishers for free at their favorite local comic book store. Its an amazing feat and theyre celebrating their tenth anniversary this year on may 7th, as Free Comic Book Day is being held every first saturday of May.

The Titles this year

Comic book Day 2011 has ten gold Titles and 27 Silver titles in store for free, its great collection for everybody and has some very interesting content for everybody. Some publishers use their Free Comic Book Day title to introduce new series and/or characters.

DC Comics title was still very hush-hush until recently, naming it their Top Secret Project, but the secrets out now, their Free title is a Green Lantern /Flashpoint Special Edition, to get you ready for Warners upcoming movie starring Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan, directed by Martin Cambell (US Release date: June 17). DCs FCBK title reprints Green Lantern # 30 and features an exclusive preview of Flashpoint, the DC Blockbuster event of this year by Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert !

Marvel Comics gives away a single issue of their succesfull Amazing Spider-man series with art by Humberto Ramos, while Image publishes Robert Kirkmans Super Dinosaur Origin Special, with art by Jason Howard.

Darkhorse has two titles in a flipbook, one being Star Wars: The Clone Wars, featuring Savage Opress in Breakout Squad by Grosset & Dunlap and Avatar: The Last Air bender, which will have its own spin-off TV mini series later this year on Nickelodeon (Avatar: Legend of Korra).

Boom! Studios has an issue featuring reprints of the first stories of their ongoing series Darkwing Duck and Chipn Dale: Rescue Rangers

In the Silver comics line up, Marvel has another title, Captain America & Thor by Roger Langridge and Chris Samnee, while DC has a Super sampler featuring two new stories from their DC Kids line, Young Justice and Batman: The Brave and the Bold, also known from the popular animated series on Cartoon Network.

From publisher Drawn & Quarterly comes a nice collection of John Stanleys stories from the John Stanley Library: Melvin the Monster, Nancy, Dunc and Loo and The Little King.
The Silver line up also holds a great issue of Fantagraphicss classic Mickey Mouse stories by Floyd Gottfredson, so dont miss out on those perfect classics!

Aspen Comics  has a great issue with some previews from their new Soulfire and Fathom storylines while showing us a little glimpse of their new titles Charismagicand Lady Mechanika. Bongo Comics has a crazy collection of Futurama and The Simpsons in an epic issue showing a cool variant on the old Scrooge jokes by the great Carl Barks!

For more information on all titles, head over to the Free Comic Book day website and check for their latest updates! Check your calendar kids, May 7th is Free Comic Book Day !